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EPSA Assumes Distribution Of MWM And Cat® Cg Gas Products

  • Oil & Gas Petroleum

In April 2013 Cat® Rental Power was awarded the honour of being Caterpillar’s best Rental Power Division worldwide after a very thorough Rental Operations Review. Energy Power Systems Australia’s (EPSA) Cat Rental Power is the first-ever Caterpillar® Certified 5 Star Cat Rental Power business.

“Through Caterpillar’s leadership, EPSA adhere to high standards in our daily operations with best-practice processes and procedures, focusing on business growth, financial performance and operational excellence,” explains Marcel Heijkoop, National Sales Manager for EPSA’s Rental Division.

“This award is recognition of our achievements, and we thank Caterpillar for their endorsement,” says Marcel in response to this first-ever honour.

EPSA, with assistance from Caterpillar, better defined their strategic direction in the Rental Power business, and benchmarked themselves against some very professional Cat Rental Power businesses around the globe. This five star review made EPSA’s Rental business more resilient to worldwide trends and current business pressures.

“We’re customer-oriented, we better meet the needs of our customers through our upgraded branches and facilities, CRM systems, seamless operation, excellent staff, and of course, Cat® powered products,” Marcel says proudly.