At EPSA, we’re at the forefront of the development and facilitation of renewable and alternative sources of energy.
The Cat® CG range is designed for maximum efficiency in extended-duty distributed generation and cogeneration applications. Already operating in 5,800 installations worldwide, the range uses the very latest gas engine technology with electrical outputs from 400kWe to 4,300kWe. The CG sets can operate on gases of varying quality, including natural gas, biogases such as landfill, digester and sewerage gas, coke gas and coal mine methane.
Cat® generators turn waste into electricity.
Landfill gas is a cost-effective and reliable renewable base-load power source. Part of the methane generated in landfills can be captured and used as a renewable energy source. The substantial methane content of landfill gas makes it a powerful power generation fuel.
With a big focus on renewable energy and reducing carbon emissions, landfill gas-to-energy projects use Cat generators to turn waste into economically viable electricity – this is an important and growing application within the world’s power generation mix for the collection, process and treatment of this gas for use in generating electricity. Read more about EPSA’s biogas capabilities here.
Talk to a Cat Investor Rep today.
The landfill gas energy cycle
Cat generators designed for landfills collect, clean and run on those harmful. Landfill gas is captured through a perforated well pipe and gathering system with the gas extracted from the landfill into a compressor station, processed, and used as a fuel source. Modern landfills install gas collection systems to capture and destroy the naturally produced methane where it is turned into a renewable fuel via a gas-fuelled generator that produces electric power.
EPSA also works with companies that are committed to developing and implementing clean technology solutions – Read more here. Contact us today for more information.