SPRING EDITION ENGINE ROOM 19 MEET CRAIG WADDELL As part of the development of EPSA’s engineering capability, solution design and technical implementation, a core engineering solutions hub based in Mulgrave has been created. We’d like to introduce Engineering Solutions Manager, Craig Waddell and find out his thoughts on life and career. On dreams … As a child, I actually wanted to be a spy. I even applied for ASIO at one point. On inspirations … One of my teachers noticed I had an interest in engineering and electrical, and encouraged me to explore the field. On learning … I studied engineering and then hit up a mate’s father for a university 12-week work experience placement. That luckily led to a job with his firm at the end of my studies. On mentors … The Chief Engineer who gave me work experience took me under his wing and has helped to guide me throughout my career. We still catch up about once a month. On success… Success to me is all about getting a good outcome on projects with people still looking forward to coming to work. On challenges … Striking the balance between a good technical solution and giving the customer what they want can be challenging in this line of work as quite often these two things seem to be mutually exclusive, but it’s something I work hard to achieve. On EPSA … When I was originally contacted about working for EPSA, I found that by meeting the people and doing my research that I discovered the real breadth of projects and areas that EPSA worked in and that was very appealing. On legacy … Ultimately, I would like to help guide younger engineers in much the same way that I was fortunate enough to have been guided – that’s a good legacy for this industry. 